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Connectors for PowerShell

Process business data from over 75 (cloud) data sources.

The following data sources are available for PowerShell. PowerShell scripts easily incorporate real-time business information in their logic.

  • AccountView PowerShell

    Visma AccountView is on-premises accounting software used in the Netherlands. Despite it's age, still very large volumes of companies are managed using AccountView by accountants and entrepreneurs. AccountView is based on data stored in FoxPro-tables and managed by the AccountView metadata.

    Tables accessible with the AccountView PowerShell connector.

  • ActiveCampaign PowerShell

    ActiveCampaign is cloud software to automate the marketing, sales and support process of prospects, leads and customers. ActiveCampaign includes email campaigns, sales management, website integration, chat and advanced automatic workflows.

    The ActiveCampaign PowerShell connector provides access to 66 tables of data.

  • AFAS Profit PowerShell

    Also known by the name: AFAS Online.

    AFAS Online is online accounting, ERP and payrolling software for Dutch companies. AFAS Online has approximately 15.000 customers, including most of the top 30 accounting firms in the Netherlands. AFAS Online is the cloud version of the AFAS Profit business software. AFAS Online runs on a hosted Windows remote desktop session - similar to AFAS Profit - providing easy access to large volumes of business data. AFAS can manage hundreds of companies per environment.

    Tables accessible with the AFAS Profit PowerShell connector.

  • Autotask PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Datto.

    Autotask is cloud software for IT business management. Autotask covers traditional ITIL processes as well as more recently introduced methods.

    The Autotask PowerShell connector provides access to 3,396 tables of data.

  • Bouw7 PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Exact Online Bouw.

    Bouw7 is a cloud solution for construction companies. Bouw7 is also known as "Exact Online Bouw" and integrates into Exact Online. Bouw7 also provides service and maintenance modules, plus CRM functionality.

    The Bouw7 PowerShell connector provides access to 222 tables of data.

  • CBS.nl PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.

    All published data sets from cbs.nl and "informatie voor derden" published by cbs.nl.

    Tables accessible with the CBS.nl PowerShell connector.

  • Chargebee PowerShell

    Chargebee is subscription billing software in the cloud for SAAS providers. It covers billing, subscription management and auto invoicing. Chargebee is used by over 2000 SaaS companies.

    The Chargebee PowerShell connector provides access to 75 tables of data.

  • Comma-separated Values PowerShell

    Also known by the name: CSV.

    Comma-separated values ("CSV") is a text format for data. A CSV file typically stores data elements separated by a comma. The CSV file format is defined by RFC 4180.

  • Company.info PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Webservices.nl.

    Company.info are Dutch online software services for a large number of data-related tasks such as credit checks and accessing public registers such as Ultimate Beneficiary Owner ("UBO").

    The Company.info PowerShell connector provides access to 295 tables of data.

  • Discourse PowerShell

    Discourse is a cloud forum and mailing list management software application. Discourse can be used to increase community co-operation. The source is available as open source. Discourse runs for over 1,500 companies.

    The Discourse PowerShell connector provides access to 117 tables of data.

  • DocumentCloud PowerShell

    DocumentCloud is an online archive of documents collected mostly by journalists.

    The DocumentCloud PowerShell connector provides access to 6 tables of data.

  • Dropbox PowerShell

    Dropbox is an online file storage service with integrated collaboration features. It integrates into many platforms such as Windows and MacOS.

    Tables accessible with the Dropbox PowerShell connector.

  • Dummy PowerShell

    Dummy is a sample database. The dummy contains data for English project-based companies. The data is relatively small in size and provides fast access due to an in-memory storage.

    The Dummy PowerShell connector provides access to 35 tables of data.

  • Easyflex PowerShell

    Easyflex is Dutch online software for employment agencies. Easyflex provides timesheet registration and approval, payrolling as well as HR functionality.

    The Easyflex PowerShell connector provides access to 150 tables of data.

  • ECB Exchange Rates PowerShell

    The ECB Exchange Rates provides 90 days of history on exchange rates against the European Euro as established daily by the European Central Bank.

    The ECB Exchange Rates PowerShell connector provides access to 2 tables of data.

  • Exact Online PowerShell

    Exact Online is cloud software for accounting and ERP. In the Netherlands, Exact Online also includes online payrolling software. It is used for approximately 400.000 companies.

    The Exact Online PowerShell connector provides access to 1,221 tables of data.

  • Facebook PowerShell

    Facebook is an online social network consisting of social activity by users as well as advertorials by campaigners.

    Tables accessible with the Facebook PowerShell connector.

  • Freshdesk PowerShell

    Freshdesk is a cloud solution for customer management. Freshdesk includes CRM as well as tickets. Existing functionality of Freshdesk can be extended by custom fields.

    The Freshdesk PowerShell connector provides access to 78 tables of data.

  • GitHub PowerShell

    GitHub is online software management software. GitHub includes GIT for version management, issue tracking and automated builds.

  • GitLab PowerShell

    GitLab is online software management software. GitLab includes GIT for version management, issue tracking and automated builds.

  • Gripp CRM PowerShell

    Gripp CRM is a cloud solution for customer management. Gripp includes CRM as well as projects, timesheets and workflows. Gripp can be extended by defining free fields on organizations, contracts, projects and other tables.

    The Gripp CRM PowerShell connector provides access to 92 tables of data.

  • Horeko PowerShell

    Horeko is online software for hospitality, including scheduling and time management, recipe management and HACCP. Horeko is available in the Benelux.

    The Horeko PowerShell connector provides access to 161 tables of data.

  • HTML PowerShell

    HTML is a file format for information intended for human consumption. It includes text elements as well as graphical elements.

  • HubSpot PowerShell

    HubSpot is cloud-based marketing, sales, CRM and service software. HubSpot is used by over 150.000 companies.

    The HubSpot PowerShell connector provides access to 215 tables of data.

  • IBM DB2 UDB PowerShell

    IBM DB2/UDB is a traditional database platform accessible through an ANSI SQL dialect.

  • ionProjects PowerShell

    Also known by the name: ionBiz.

    ionProjects is a cloud solution for project management. ionProjects focuses ICT, engineering and consultancy organization providing project management, resource planning, time registration and ticketing.

    The ionProjects PowerShell connector provides access to 541 tables of data.

  • JIRA PowerShell

    Also known by the name: JIRA Cloud.

    JIRA is cloud software for managing business processes and sharing knowledge. JIRA Cloud offers tickets and customized workflows. JIRA Service Desk extends those by integration of external parties in business processes, such as service desk customers. Confluence is online collaboration software for sharing knowledge.

    The JIRA PowerShell connector provides access to 133 tables of data.

  • JSON PowerShell

    JSON is a file format based upon JavaScript. A JSON file consists of a key names and their values. Lists of keys can be combined in groups using arrays.

  • Kadaster PowerShell

    The Dutch Kadaster is a public register of spatial data of the Netherlands. It bundles land, housing and infrastructure data in structured and graphical formats.

    The Kadaster PowerShell connector provides access to 4 tables of data.

  • Knack PowerShell

    Knack is software to create online databases without coding.

    Tables accessible with the Knack PowerShell connector.

  • Logius COR PowerShell

    Logius COR provides all issued Organisation Identification Numbers (OIN). Governmental and general interest organizations that exchange digital information using Digikoppeling Standaard can be assigned an OIN.

    Tables accessible with the Logius COR PowerShell connector.

  • Loket.nl PowerShell

    Loket.nl is online payroll software. Payrolling and HR are offered according to Dutch legislation. Loket.nl is used both by accounting firms as well as entrepreneurs.

    The Loket.nl PowerShell connector provides access to 609 tables of data.

  • Mendix PowerShell

    Mendix is a software platform for cloud applications. Based upon business logic, Mendix enables cost-effective deployment of business functionality on the web.

  • Microsoft Excel PowerShell

    Microsoft Excel is an Office application which supports the XLSX file format for spreadsheets.

  • Minox PowerShell

    Minox is an online accounting package used in the Netherlands by entrepreneurs and accounting professionals.

    The Minox PowerShell connector provides access to 138 tables of data.

  • MKG PowerShell

    MKG is integrated software for the metal industry, focusing on production planning, inventory management, sales, purchasing and financial administration.

  • Mollie PowerShell

    Mollie is an online payment service provider. Mollie ensures that the monetary transfer for a service is handled correctly globally.

    The Mollie PowerShell connector provides access to 17 tables of data.

  • MySQL PowerShell

    MySQL is a traditional database platform which supports ANSI SQL. MySQL is often used for small web applications.

    Tables accessible with the MySQL PowerShell connector.

  • NASA PowerShell

    NASA provides NASA data, including imagery, available for reporting. NASA combines asteroid data, earth data, pictures and Mars-rover pictures

    The NASA PowerShell connector provides access to 10 tables of data.

  • NDJSON PowerShell

    NDJSON is a file format based upon JavaScript. A NDJSON file consists of one record in JSON-format per line. No array grouping or record separator is used.

  • NMBRS PowerShell

    Nmbrs is payroll software in the cloud. Nmbrs provides both payrolling as well as HR functionality. Payrolling for both the Dutch as well as Swedish legislation are available. Nmbrs is used by entrepreneurs and accounting firms.

    The NMBRS PowerShell connector provides access to 173 tables of data.

  • OData PowerShell

    OData is both a data format and language to specify actions. OData is used by many cloud platforms to open up their data managed to the customers.

  • Odoo PowerShell

    Odoo is online ERP and CRM-software. Odoo is used by small and mid-size companies as well as large accounting firms.

    Tables accessible with the Odoo PowerShell connector.

  • Open Exchange Rates PowerShell

    Open Exchange Rates provides historical and current exchange rates for over 200 commonly traded currencies.

    The Open Exchange Rates PowerShell connector provides access to 8 tables of data.

  • OpenArch PowerShell

    OpenArch is cloud software for research. OpenArch combines numerous genealogical sources in the Netherlands. The data is typically cleaned from the original sources.

    The OpenArch PowerShell connector provides access to 12 tables of data.

  • OpenSpending PowerShell

    OpenSpending is an online web service on the budget and spending of governments in the Netherlands. It includes data from various sources, including IV3 of CBS.

    The OpenSpending PowerShell connector provides access to 8 tables of data.

  • Oracle PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Oracle RDBMS.

    Oracle is a traditional database platform. Oracle supports ANSI SQL plus many extensions. Oracle is typically used for large business-critical applications.

    Tables accessible with the Oracle PowerShell connector.

  • PayPal PowerShell

    PayPal is an online payment provider. PayPal ensures that the monetary transfer for a service is handled correctly globally.

    Tables accessible with the PayPal PowerShell connector.

  • PostgreSQL PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Postgres.

    PostgreSQL is a database platform. PostgreSQL is based upon open source and runs ANSI SQL statements.

    Tables accessible with the PostgreSQL PowerShell connector.

  • RDW PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer.

    RDW is the Dutch register for vehicles. The RDW data is available online, even up to specific license plates registered in the Netherlands.

    The RDW PowerShell connector provides access to 56 tables of data.

  • Robaws PowerShell

    Robaws is cloud software. Robaws helps construction companies manage their business.

    The Robaws PowerShell connector provides access to 209 tables of data.

  • Roller PowerShell

    Roller is online software for leisure and retail management. Roller is available globally.

    The Roller PowerShell connector provides access to 41 tables of data.

  • RSS PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Really Simple Sindication.

    RSS is a file format to communicate news messages and other streaming data.

    Tables accessible with the RSS PowerShell connector.

  • Salesforce PowerShell

    Salesforce is an online ecosystem. Salesforce originated as a CRM solution, but was extended to cover many more types of online applications by Salesforce partners.

    Tables accessible with the Salesforce PowerShell connector.

  • Sendinblue PowerShell

    Sendinblue is cloud software to automate the marketing, sales and support process of prospects, leads and customers. Sendinblue includes email and SMS campaigns, sales management, website integration, chat, chat, tracking and advanced automatic workflows.

    The Sendinblue PowerShell connector provides access to 84 tables of data.

  • Simplicate PowerShell

    Simplicate is cloud software for project management, project control and billing. The online Simplicate business software manages sales, CRM, hours, projects and invoices. Simplicate is typically used by entrepreneurs in the Netherlands in their service business processes, involving large numbers of projects.

    The Simplicate PowerShell connector provides access to 248 tables of data.

  • SnelStart PowerShell

    SnelStart is online accounting software. SnelStart is typically used by both entrepreneurs as well as accounting firms in the Netherlands. SnelStart is used by over 125.000 Dutch companies.

    The SnelStart PowerShell connector provides access to 129 tables of data.

  • SQL Server PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Microsoft SQL Server.

    Microsoft SQL Server is a traditional database platform. SQL Server supports ANSI SQL. It is available both as a cloud database on Microsoft Azure as a traditional database running on-premise or hosted.

    Tables accessible with the SQL Server PowerShell connector.

  • StackOverflow PowerShell

    Also known by the name: StackExchange.

    StackExchange is online collaboration software. Most popular variant is StackOverflow which is used by millions of software developers globally.

    Tables accessible with the StackOverflow PowerShell connector.

  • Teamleader Focus PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Teamleader.

    Teamleader is a cloud solution for customer management. Teamleader includes CRM as well as project and tickets. Teamleader can be extended by defining custom fields on several core concepts.

    The Teamleader Focus PowerShell connector provides access to 314 tables of data.

  • Teamleader Orbit PowerShell

    Teamleader Orbit is a cloud solution for project management. Teamleader Orbit includes CRM as well as project and time registration.

  • Teamleader Orbit Reporting PowerShell

    Teamleader Orbit is a cloud solution for project management. Teamleader Orbit includes CRM as well as project and time registration.

  • Teradata PowerShell

    Also known by the name: NCR Teradata.

    Teradata is a traditional database platform. Teradata targets large volumes of data, using a massive parallel architecture.

  • Tixly PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Tix.

    Tixly is online software for leisure and entertainment management. Tixly is available globally.

    The Tixly PowerShell connector provides access to 79 tables of data.

  • Tweede Kamer (NL) PowerShell

    Tweede Kamer (the Netherlands) provides Public Data from the Tweede Kamer of the Netherlands, such as members and bills that might evolve to law. The Tweede Kamer is the House of Representatives of the bicameral parliament of the Netherlands. It has 150 members.

    The Tweede Kamer (NL) PowerShell connector provides access to 36 tables of data.

  • Twinfield PowerShell

    Twinfield is an online accounting package used in the Netherlands and Belgium. Accounting professionals form a large part of the Twinfield user community.

    The Twinfield PowerShell connector provides access to 164 tables of data.

  • VirusTotal PowerShell

    VirusTotal is a web site of Google for analysis and queries on malware infections on files.

    Tables accessible with the VirusTotal PowerShell.

  • Visma Severa PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Visma Project Management.

    Visma Severa is cloud-based project management software. Visma Severa is available in the Nordics and the Netherlands.

    The Visma Severa PowerShell connector provides access to 263 tables of data.

  • Visma.net Financials PowerShell

    Also known by the name: Visma.net.

    Visma.net is online software for accounting. Visma.net is used both by large accounting firms as well as large entrepreneurs.

    The Visma.net Financials PowerShell connector provides access to 635 tables of data.

  • Wikipedia PowerShell

    Wikipedia is online software for encyclopedical knowledge. Wikipedia handles both the collection, sharing and maintenance of large volumes of encyclopedical knowledge across a wide range of languages.

    The Wikipedia PowerShell connector provides access to 2 tables of data.

  • XML PowerShell

    XML is a file format for structured storage of data. XML resembles HTML, but the contents are more strictly matched against the metadata.

  • YouTrack PowerShell

    Also known by the name: JetBrains YouTrack.

    YouTrack by JetBrains provides bug tracking, issue tracking system and project management.

    The YouTrack PowerShell connector provides access to 379 tables of data.

  • Yuki PowerShell

    Yuki is online accounting software from Visma. Yuki specializes in automated processing of documents in the Netherlands.

    The Yuki PowerShell connector provides access to 46 tables of data.

  • Zoom PowerShell

    Zoom is video, phone and web conferencing software.

    The Zoom PowerShell connector provides access to 194 tables of data.